Google map is a one of the important tool of our daily life. You can explore every part of the world through the Google map. Million years ago people used to navigate direction by the pole stars in the sky. But this is not th…
Kolkata is the capital of the India's West Bengal. It is also known as city of joy. it is founded by british East India Company. About 400 year ago kolkata was established by job charnok. He was Traditionally regarded for…
Real ghosts spotted at haunted Dow hill in kurseong The incident of haunted dow hill is mother of all ghost stories.maybe it is cold your blood with a full of fear.Around 30 kilometers from Darjeeling is found the most spooky s…
INTRODUCTION Here we are talk about sundarbans,one of the largest reserve forest in the is enlisted as UNESCO World Heritage sites. It is famous for its mangrove forest.the mangrove area mostly covered by salt water,mud…
The gate of Hatibagan Bazar Hatibagan is one of the most oldest market in kolkata. It is situated at north kolkata which is One of the most old and traditional part of kolkata.There is a cheapest market in here. Many daily li…
Traveling kasmir is the dream of every travel lover bengali.but many people's dream are not it is too expensive and its much time the recent phase maybe kasmir is not safe for is a prone…